Best Cornet Sheet Music to Learn With

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Summary: The best cornet sheet music to learn with will help you learn music skills and play along with different songs. Your cornet sheet music will help you address fingering, scales, and warmups as a beginner. 

The best cornet sheet music to learn with will give you all the information you need to play your instrument well. Learning how to play the cornet as a beginner means having something that will introduce you to concepts like scales and notes.

As an intermediate musician, you can learn about the history of the cornet and find the best cornet sheet music to learn with that introduces more complex topics like arpeggios. 

What Makes the Best Sheet Music to Learn With?

Cornet sheet music is a handy tool. Learning to read music and conduct exercises at home is all you need to start playing the cornet on your own. You don’t need to take classes on advanced musical theory to understand what notes to play and how to play duets with others. 

The “best” music is that which works well for your situation, your skill, and what you want to learn. 

For example: If you are brand new to the cornet and instruments in general, you might need sheet music that includes more information about what notes are, what they mean, where you put your fingers, and what markings you need to understand when reading music. If you already know how to read music, then the best cornet sheet music might give you lots of examples and songs you can play as a soloist or with others. 

Good sheet music will contain everything you need to read the pages and play complex music. Good sheet music:

  • Will list things like the tempo near the upper left-hand part of the page so that you can read how many beats per minute are in the song. This is usually indicated as a numerical figure. 
  • Will indicate where sections of notes need to be repeated, like those bars with two vertical dots. 
  • Will include volume markers throughout the song that tells you how quietly or loudly your cornet should be played. 
  • Will include markings for getting louder, softer, faster, or slower. 

Intermediate or advanced music will have more complex items, usually written in Italian. Still, with regular practice, you can learn what each marking means and how to play complicated cornet music with ease. 

What is the Best Cornet Sheet Music to Learn With?

Cornet Sheet Music

The best cornet sheet music will meet your individual needs. 

For example, you might be a beginner, in which case you need something at the right level and explain musical concepts with which you may be unfamiliar. As a beginner, you probably don’t want to spend a lot of money on your sheet music either.

You might also be a beginner transitioning into an intermediate level, in which case you need something that is appropriately challenging. At this level, you might be taking classes or lessons, in which case you need sheet music that has duet sections you can play with your instructor.

  • Not every piece of music will be the style you want. Learn what kind of music you like to play, like orchestra or chamber music, and find music that fits your style. 
  • Not every piece of music will be at the appropriate level. There are different concepts and songs intended for beginners vs. intermediate musicians. If you find something marked as beginner, student, or level one, this is usually better for a beginner. Still, something marked as intermediate, tier two, or level three will be better for those who have a year or two of experience under their belt.
  • Not every piece of music will have the parts you need. Most beginners might need solo pieces, but they can practice with a teacher or do on their own, but most intermediate musicians need music books or sheet music that include duets or have parts written for an entire band.

I like the sheet music manufactured for education because it comes with lessons, examples, and songs you can play. Many top brands have multiple books in a series, so you can start with the first level or the beginner level and learn all of the elementary concepts you need to start playing the instrument.

Once you complete the book, you can move on to the next set of sheet music in the series and start to play things that get gradually more complicated to coincide with your skill level.

In addition to your skill, you have to consider the cost. Most beginners can spend $20 or so on a single book and use that sheet music for the first year to play their instrument. Once you reach an intermediate or advanced level, you start investing in individual songs and a more expansive sheet music collection. 

Cornet Sheet Music Recommendations

There are many excellent books of the best cornet sheet music to learn with, each designed to accommodate different skill levels. I recommend sets that have multiple parts or series to them so that you can use the same methodology as you advance. 

First Book of Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet

First Book of Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet

I recommend this Getchell series for beginners: First Book of Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet. This is the first book in a series of practical studies. I love this particular set because you can use it instead of traditional lessons with a teacher if you so choose.

It is meant to help you develop your understanding of chords and give you fundamental rhythms, articulation, key signatures, and everything you need to read music accurately. It works well if you use it as a companion to other studies or lessons because you can go over it with a teacher, but I started using it without lessons. 

Now, this set of book series is what I used to teach. It’s straightforward and gives a limited range of musical style and production while developing the more technical aspects of playing.

Even though this is marketed as the first book, be advised that it’s not something you should pick up as a raw beginner with absolutely no understanding of music at all. It helps introduce note identification, fingerings, and valves with lots of exercises you can do throughout.


  • Great beginner books
  • Part of a series so you can transition into more advanced material later
  • Has details of reading music and playing notes and chords 


  • Not for people who have never touched an instrument before

Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet, Bk 2 

Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet, Bk 2 

After going through the first book, move on to this second Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet, Bk 2. It has some of the best cornet sheet music for beginners/intermediate players to learn. This book focuses on developing new rhythms and techniques that are appropriately challenging for an intermediate player. It serves as an excellent foundation for anyone transitioning into solo work. 

I have been a musician and teacher for many years, and I love this set because it is easy to follow, offers a logical progression, and is something I use during lessons and recommend for people who want to learn on their own. 


  • Good for teachers
  • Comes with accessories to aid in learning
  • Planned lessons suitable for intermediate players
  • Standardized skill levels through which players can matriculate
  • Affordable
  • Lots of sheet music alongside lessons


  • Not suitable for beginners

O2280 – Technical Studies for the Cornet

O2280 - Technical Studies for the Cornet

O2280 – Technical Studies for the Cornet is written to help students of the cornet tackle technical challenges associated with learning to play the instrument. I like it because it answers technical questions you might have while learning a new instrument.

This is especially useful if you are learning independently or have questions in between lessons. It does not contain endless sheet music, but rather a lot of literature and tips. 


  • Has good warm-ups
  • Contains information that can apply to other instruments
  • Very helpful for students who are learning on their own
  • Has lots of instructions to build endurance and flexibility while playing the cornet


  • More of a helpful guide without as much sheet music to play

Rubank Elementary Method

Rubank Elementary Method

Rubank Elementary Method – Cornet or Trumpet (Rubank Educational Library) is the first in a reliable series of the best cornet sheet music to learn with. This is one of the most popular sheet music sources because it has all of the introductory material you need to start with the cornet.

You will find beginning instruction like scales, arpeggios, articulation studies, and studies specific to the cornet. Still, you also get a lot of solo sheet music and duet sheet music that you can use on your own or with an instructor. 


  • Good for introductions
  • Meant for beginners
  • Very affordable 
  • Good instruction if you aren’t taking other lessons


Rubank Intermediate Method

Rubank Intermediate Method

Rubank Intermediate Method – Cornet or Trumpet (Rubank Educational Library) is the intermediate book for the best cornet sheet music to learn with.

This is the next set in a series that I love because it includes things like scales and arpeggios for practice and solo pieces and duets for rehearsals. There is a lot of information in each book, so this is the next step once you have run through their elementary book. 


  • Has lots of studies for music theory
  • Contains sheet music for solo pieces and duets
  • One of the most popular books for the best cornet sheet music to learn with


  • Not for beginners

Rubank Advanced Method

Rubank Advanced Method

Rubank Advanced Method – Cornet or Trumpet, Vol. 1 (Rubank Educational Library) is an advanced book for advanced players. If you have completed the other two books, this is the perfect place to land with or without additional help or lessons. It contains a more advanced study with scales and arpeggios across all minor and major keys.

There are over twenty contest-level duets and six solo pieces. You get a lot of flexibility exercises, sticking, and fingering. I love this set because it grows with your skill, so as you conquer the elementary and intermediate books, you get to progress with the more advanced concepts here. 


  • Lots of advanced music
  • Good price
  • Extra lessons for advanced musical needs


  • Builds on previous material so should not be used alone


Question: Why Does Having the Best Cornet Sheet Music Matter?

Answer: Having the best sheet music will enable you to get better as a musician. If, for example, you pick beginner music, it will likely include a lot of information about scales, keys, notes, and so forth. This will give you concepts and examples to practice during your rehearsals.
This can also serve as a remedial substitute for music lessons. If you pick lousy music that is not a good fit for your skill level, then the concepts and the songs will be too challenging. 

Question: Why Do I Need to Learn to Read Music?

Answer: Learning to read cornet sheet music will help you look at a piece of music and know how fast it should be, where you are meant to enter or pause, what volume you should play, and so on.
Complex music can be understood more easily when knowing what each marking indicates. The more you practice with cornet sheet music, the more songs you add to your collection. 

Question: Who Makes the Best Cornet Sheet Music?

Answer: There are many manufacturers for cornet sheet music, literally hundreds of distributors for various types of music. You can choose companies or brands that produce music for choirs, orchestras, solo cornet pieces, or sheet music that includes lessons for each skill level.  

Bottomline for the Best Cornet Sheet Music to Learn With

The bottom line is that the best cornet sheet music to learn will help you understand the fundamentals of playing the cornet. With good sheet music, you can learn warm-ups, scales, music theory, notes, and then eventually, you can play solos and duets.

I definitely recommend checking out First Book of Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet.

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